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Australian Politics Stay Informed With The Auspol Hashtag

Australian Politics: Stay Informed with the #Auspol Hashtag

What's Happening in Auspol?

Get the latest updates and engage in thought-provoking discussions on Australian politics by following the #Auspol hashtag on Twitter. This lively platform connects you with a vibrant community of politically engaged individuals.

Exclusive Documents Released

The Official Secretary to the Governor-General has released significant documents pertaining to the calling of the Australian Parliament. These documents provide insights into the inner workings of the government and are essential reading for anyone interested in the machinations of Australian politics.

Live Podcast: Dive into Auspol with Experts

Join the "Politwits" podcast every week for a live discussion with informed members of the #Auspol community. Tune in to delve into pressing political issues, gain expert perspectives, and connect with fellow politically engaged Australians.
